Seminar : The International Scholars of the History of Women Religious Association (ISHWRA)

Non-Cloistered Religious Women and Rome at the Aftermath of the Council of Trent. Journey in Archives

25 novembre 2022

Lancé cette année par Sarah BarthélemyCormac Begadon (Durham University) et Gemma Betros (Australian National University), le réseau, The International Scholars of the History of Women Religious Association (ISHWRA) 2022, propose d'offrir une plateforme d'expression pour les recherches et activités scientifiques relatives aux femmes catholiques, avec une portée explicitement transnationale, à la fois en termes d'intervenant·e·s et de participant·e·s, mais aussi en termes de contenu. Détails et programme ici.

Intervenante : Isabel Harvey (GEMCA – UCLouvain / GRHS – UQAM)

Modération : Sarah Barthélemy (Durham University - USL-B)

Non-Cloistered Religious Women and Rome at the Aftermath of the Council of Trent. Journey in Archives

Isabel Harvey


Recent historiography about non-cloistered religious women is based above all on the punctual luck of archives, as the wealth of an Inquisition trial or an autobiography, or on notarial institutional documentation of mainly economic nature. This documentation allows to reconstruct interesting cases, to contextualize them, but it is difficult to move away from the exceptionality of a person, a situation, or an institution rich enough to accumulate a number of notarial archives. I propose to look at another archive, the voluminous documentation of the Congregation of Bishops and Regulars, which will allow us to identify and hear the voices of others, those non-cloistered religious women who are considered neither saints nor heretics, and who do not live in a wealthy community in a large urban center. This presentation will detail the archival and methodological path to identify them and to gather information about their singular existences and experiences.


Isabel Harvey is FNRS postdoctoral fellow at the Université Catholique de Louvain (2022-2025) with a project in environmental history of Catholic missions during the seventeenth century, and associate professor at the Université du Québec à Montréal. She hold a PhD (2018) from McGill University with a thesis about the body of nuns in Tridentine Italy. She is involved in two international projects on the history of non-cloistered religious women: The Other Sister, based at the University of Toronto and UQAM, and Sorores, promoted by the École française de Rome and Casa Velazquez. She is the coordinator the Sorores Seminar Series.

Programme de l'ISHWRA 2022-2023

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Université Saint-Louis - Bruxelles

Bvd du Jardin Botanique, 43

1000 Bruxelles



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Centre de recherches en histoire du droit, des institutions et de la société
